Sunday, March 25, 2007

Sand Art!

Friday, March 23, 2007

Sunday, March 18, 2007

What Can You Learn from It?

Check this movie and try to find the lessons you can learn from it.

The movie which was created by Mark Osborne is titled "More".
It represents the everlasting need to have MORE. There is nothing wrong in wanting More of the good things. However, If we don't look around us and start appreciating what we already have and work from there to have a brighter and better life, we can go in an endless circle of trying to get more and never being satisfied.

So, look around...

What else can you learn from it? add a comment and share your ideas with us.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Truly Amazing

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Sometimes you see the world colorless, and you wonder: where did all the beautiful colors go? How could they all disappear at once?

You might find it hard to find that glow in your eyes; the sense of possibility could be lost. Then, your gradually lose yourself.

"Remember, your life is valuable, and the world around you did not change. Something inside you changed" says the voice inside your head. "Find it and deal with it".

That is exactly what you should do…
Be an ace thinker and regain control over your life. Learn how to deal with change, and whatever difficulty you face.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Rubik's Cube

Have you ever tried solving a Rubik's cube? it is not so easy, I can tell you. I tried it several years ago but I could not do it. For some people, it is like a breeze.

If you are excited and wish to try it now go to:
The site also has a detailed explanation of how to solve it.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Aristotle's Wheel Paradox

Take a look at this wheel consisting of two circles with different diameters. They both travel the same distance to complete one cycle. Does that mean that the circumferences of the circles are equal?


Saturday, March 10, 2007


Thursday, March 8, 2007

Think Logic...

There are two ways to improve logical thinking: one is analyzing and solving logical statements, the other is playing games. While I find it more challenging and rewarding to do the first; it would not harm anyone to take a break and play some games.

Check out this site

It has some nice logical games. ENJOY...

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Bend it Like Einstein !

To what degree can you understand twisted science theories?

The minds of great thinkers revolve around such ideas. How do they come up with them? that is something I have no answer to.

However, trying to comprehend those ideas is truly mind expanding. So, try it for your self. Try to think in their minds.

Good Luck in that!!

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

To Think Creatively

Check this one...

Monday, March 5, 2007

The Ace Thinker

So you think!!!

Well, that alone is a bless you better be grateful for.

There is an aphorism that says "The mind is everything. What you think you become"

There is no dull mind, there are only people who don't try to THINK.

Having a creative mind with vivid ideas is your responsibility. According to whether you accept that responsibility or, not depends your reality and future...